Oil Paintings

Nymphets1 Current version 0.5.4 Canvas size F20
10.12.02 blood vessels

17.11.02 hair , finger, background

1.11.02 details

24.10.02 fingers and background
Caution : if you are under 15 years of age, do not view this picture

Uris covers Klimt #01 'Danae'
Danae Current version 0.2.0 Canvas size F20
20.10.02 leg and details

20.10.02 leg

14.8.02 leg

10.8.02 leg, fingers

Portrait de Isabelle Adjani
Isabelle Adjani Current version 0.5.2 Canvas size F20
31.5.02 eyes, lip

13.5.02 details

1.3.02 details

14.2.02 details

Grateful Dudal Tattva - Hymn to Kula Shaker
Dudal Tattva Current version 0.7.0 Canvas size F25
7.12.02 gold line, sari

6.12.02 feather, chakram, 'Tattva'

4.12.02 chakram, 'Kula Shaker'

3.12.02 face, sari, chakram, flame

Lily7 Current version 0.2.1 Canvas size F15
27.9.01 face line and other details

26.9.01 face and body

25.9.01 face details

22.9.01 face details

Portrait of Katie Jane Garside (Daisy Chainsaw)
Katie Current version 0.4.2 Canvas size F15
8.6.02 eyes, mouth, faceline

14.11.01 details and background

3.11.01 hair and shadow

6.9.01 background

Serpentine Current version 0.6.1 Canvas size F12
21.11.01 hair, background

19.11.01 restart and rename, details

2.8.01 the first (maybe the last) upload

Finished Works (oil)

a sham sequel of Klimt's 'Musik' - the 1st portrait of Nanase
Die Musik 7 Date 16.8.02 Canvas size F15
she's my 1st cooperative model

this portrait had been sent her

Acrylic Paintings (old)

Katie Ac Current version 0.6.0-3
Acrylic colour on paper

the oldest picture in my works


Computer Graphics (old)

Robert nue Latest version 0.2.2

Euros Childs Latest version 0.3.0
Portrait of Euros Childs (gorKy's Zygotic mynci)


Hannelore Latest version 0.3.2

Joan Latest version 0.6.0-2

Sleeping Latest version 1.0.2-2
the jacket of my favorite record

HypeIllu Latest version 1.0.0
the effected version of 'Hype'

NewMillennium Latest version 1.0.0
new year card

Birthday Card Latest version 1.0.3
birthday card to my girl friend

Moe Latest version 1.0.0
portrait of Moe Yamaguchi

Hype Latest version 1.0.0
hype culture

James Latest version 0.7.0
portrait of Jame Rousseau

Wallpapers (oil)

Nymphets1-Wall Current version 0.5.4 Size 1152 x 864

Original Files









Source Code
(include all files)

